Vehicle Offenses

Hire an experienced Santa Rosa Vehicle Offense Attorney.

The Law Office of Rachel McAllister, PC has represented clients charged with the following types of cases:

Driving Without a License

Our office represents both infraction and misdemeanor charges involving driving without a valid license issued by the DMV.

Driving on a Suspended License

Our office represents clients charged with driving on a suspended license due to: DUI convictions and driving without an ignition interlock device.

Hit & Run

Our office represents both misdemeanor and felony hit & run charges, including those involving injury, death, and damage to property.


Our office represents both misdemeanor and felony evading and/or reckless driving charges.

False Registration

Our office represents individuals who have provided false or inaccurate vehicle information to law enforcement.

Tampering with Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

Our office represents individuals who have been charged with tampering with VIN.

Habitual Traffic Offender

Our office represents individuals who have been designated as a habitual traffic offender and who have been found to be driving.

We offer FREE consultations.

For information about pricing, or any other questions you have about your case, call our office at (707) 848-7911 for a FREE phone consultation.