DUI Defense

Hire an experienced Santa Rosa DUI Attorney.

The Law Office of Rachel McAllister, PC has represented clients charged with the following types of cases:

1st DUI

Our office represents individuals charged with a first time DUI.

Multiple DUI

Our office represents individuals with prior DUIs who have been charged with an additional DUI.

Felony DUI

Our office represents individuals charged with felony level DUI.

DUI Causing Injury

Our office represents individuals charged with DUI causing injury.

DUI With a Child in Car

Our office represents individuals charged with DUI with a child in the car.

DMV Administrative Per Se (APS) Hearings

Whether you are facing an unexpected first time DUI or already have a history of DUI, the Law Office of Rachel McAllister, PC is prepared to help you! Call a Santa Rosa DUI Attorney at the Law Office of Rachel McAllister, PC.

We offer FREE consultations.

For information about pricing, or any other questions you have about your case, call our office at (707) 848-7911 for a FREE phone consultation.